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Cesarean Section, Childhood Health, and Schooling: Quasi‐Experimental Evidence From Denmark, Norway and Sweden. 
Rogvi, J.Á., Bütikofer, A., Krebs, L., Mühlrad, H. and Wüst, M. 
Health Economics. 2024

Psychiatric morbidity across the life course and provoked vulvodynia: is it dependent upon the presence of non–stress-related immune dysfunction?

Harlow, B.L., Mühlrad, H., Yan, J., Linnros, E., Lu, D., Fox, M.P. and Bohm-Starke, N. 
The Journal of Sexual Medicine, 21(9), pp.800-806. 2024

Health and socioeconomic well-being of women with endometriosis and provoked vestibulodynia: Longitudinal insights from Swedish registry data
Mühlrad, H., Olovsson, M., Linnros, E., Haraldson, P. and Bohm-Starke, N.
Plos one, 19(9), p.e0307412. 2024

The association between Immune-related conditions across the life-course and provoked vulvodynia
Harlow, B.L., Coleman, C.M., Mühlrad, H., Yan, J., Linnros, E., Lu, D., Fox, M.P. and Bohm-Starke, N. 
The Journal of Pain. 2023. 

Cesarean Sections for High-Risk Births: Health, Fertility and Labor Market Outcomes
Mühlrad, H.
Scandinavian Journal of Economics. 2022 

Interpregnancy Interval and Maternal and Neonatal Morbidity: A Nationwide Cohort Study
Mühlrad, H., Björkegren, E., Kopp-Kallner, H., Bohm-Starke, N., Haraldson, P. and 
Wendel, S.B.

Scientific Reports, 12, 17402. 2022

Botulinum Toxin A for Provoked Vestibulodynia: 12 months’ follow-up of a Randomized Controlled Trial 
Haraldson, P., Mühlrad, H., Heddini, U., Nilsson, K. and Bohm-Starke, N. 
Journal of Sexual Medicine2022

Delivery mode and severe maternal and neonatal morbidity among singleton term breech births: a population-based cohort study
Fuxe, V., Wendel, S.B., Bohm-Starke, N. and Mühlrad, H.
European Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology and Reproductive Biology, 272, pp.166-172. 2022

Abortion Laws and Women’s Health 
Clarke, D. and Mühlrad, H.
Journal of Health Economics, 76, p.102413. 2021

Early Life Health in Women with Provoked Vestibulodynia and/or Vaginismus
Mühlrad, H., Haraldson, P., Harlow, B.L., Anell Olofsson, M. and Bohm-Starke, N.
Journal of Women's Health, 30(6), pp.799-806. 2021

Botulinum Toxin A as a Treatment for Provoked Vestibulodynia: A Randomized Controlled Trial
Haraldson, P., Mühlrad, H., Heddini, U., Nilsson, K. and Bohm-Starke, N.
Obstetrics & Gynecology, 136(3), pp.524-532. 2020
Working Papers and Work in Progress

Understanding Intimate Partner Violence Victimization & Perpetration: Risk Factors, Consequences, and Policy
(report in Swedish
here, SNS seminar)
with Arizo Karimi, Susan Niknami, Petra Ornstein, Anna Sandberg Trolle-Lindgren

Health and Labor Market Impacts of IVF Technology: Evidence from a Swedish Policy Mandate
with Sonia Bhalotra, Damian Clarke and Mårten Palme

US Presidential Party Switches Are Mirrored in Global Maternal Mortality
with Sonia BhalotraDamian Clarke and Manuel Fernández Sierra
Receiving Refugees in Schools: Effects on Human Capital Accumulation, Schools and Segregation
with Anna Sjögren, Helena Holmlund och Kristina Sibbmark

Impacts of the Covid-19 Pandemic on Domestic Violence and Health
with Petra Persson and Joseph Vecci
Policy Reports and Other Publications
Karimi, A., Mühlrad, H., Niknami, S., Ornstein, P. and Sandberg, A., 2024. Våld i nära relationer: Riskfaktorer och konsekvenser. SNS Analys 102.
Bhalotra, S., Clarke, D., Mühlrad, H. and Palme, M., 2023. Arbetsmarknads-och hälsoeffekter av IVF: Lärdomar från ändrad medicinsk praxis i Sverige (No. 2023: 14). IFAU-Institute for Evaluation of Labour Market and Education Policy. 
Engdahl, M., Hall, C., Holmlund, H., Lundin, M., Mühlrad, H., Sjögren, A. and Öckert, B., 2021. Barn och unga under coronapandemin (No. 2021: 2). IFAU-Institute for Evaluation of Labour Market and Education Policy.​

Engdahl, M., Hall, C., Holmlund, H., Lundin, M., Mühlrad, H., Sjögren, A. and Öckert, B., 2021. Swedish children and youth during the COVID-19 pandemic. Uppsala: Sweden The Institute for Evaluation of Labour Market and Education Policy (IFAU). 
Mühlrad, H. Kejsarsnitt vid högriskförlossningar – effekter på hälsa, fertilitet och arbetsmarknadsutfall, Ekonomisk Debatt, 2019  
Clarke, D. and Mühlrad, H. Abortion Laws and Women's Health, VOX CEPR Policy Portal, 2018 
Clarke, D. and Mühlrad, H. The Impact of Abortion Legalization on Fertility and Female Empowerment”, Policy Brief for the Expert Group for Aid Studies (EBA), Sweden, 2018
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